CanWEA 2019

Preliminary results: Climate change likely to decrease icing in most regions of Canada that have wind turbines
CanWEA 2019 Additional Material
Poster key points
- Half way through project
- Preliminary results suggest decrease in icing in most regions with wind turbines (southern Canada)
- Several TB of data! Many analyses possible – looking for partners for follow up projects
- The wind industry should keep an eye on the results of this study over the coming year
Downloads and other information
- Nigel Swytink-Binnema’s CanWEA 2019 poster
- Project sheet: Overview of Project WEC 2100
- Press release: Two research centres team up to study the impacts of climate change on wind energy potential
- Presentation on preliminary icing results – in French only
- Nigel Swytink-Binnema’s biography
Please contact Marilys Clément ( or Nigel Swytink-Binnema ( for any additional information or any questions you may have on the project.