Become a member
Become a Nergica member and enjoy exclusive benefits!
Memberships are valid from January 1 to December 31.
Choose the category that best suits you
Annual cost: based on number of employees
- $350 + tax (1 to 10 employees)
- $750 + tax (11 to 30 employees)
- $1,000 + tax (31+ employees)
Access to Nergica privileges
- 5% discount on industrial hourly rate, up to $10,000;
- Exclusive (e.g. summary of event participation) and/or premier access to activities and content for members;
Be at the heart of our events
- Discounts on registrations for various events, trainings or activities organized by Nergica;
- Priority access to accommodations reserved by Nergica during company-organized events (first come, first served);
Stay informed in this constantly evolving field
- Regular email notifications of the latest developments in the renewables sector;
Get people talking about your organization
- Posting of member organizations’ job offers in Nergica’s newsletters and social media sites;
- Promotion of member organizations’ achievements (“Member News” section of our monthly newsletter);
- Name and hyperlink of your company in the member directory on Nergica’s website.
Influence decisions
- Right to vote in the election of board members and at annual meeting (three votes per member).
Cost: $125 + tax
Get people talking about your research
- Posting of internship offers / industrial projects in Nergica’s newsletters and social media sites;
- Promotion of members’ research results (“Knowledge Member News” section of our monthly newsletter);
- Name and hyperlink of your company in the member directory on Nergica’s website.
Be at the heart of our events
- Discounts on registrations for various events, trainings or activities organized by Nergica;
Stay informed in this constantly evolving field
- Regular email notifications of the latest developments in the renewables sector;
Influence decisions
Right to vote in the election of board members and at annual meeting (one vote per member).
Cost: free
Stay informed in this constantly evolving field
- Regular email notifications of the latest developments in the renewables sector;
- Notifications of job and internship opportunities with Nergica’s members;
Be at the heart of our events
- Student rate when registering for events organized by Nergica.