Service – Support for Adapting Renewable Technologies to Cold Climates

Support for Adapting Renewable Technologies to Cold Climates

What we can do for you

As a renewable energy power producer or an equipment or service provider, do you face challenging winter conditions? Nergica specializes in supporting its clients in the deployment of sustainable solutions specifically designed to overcome cold climate issues. Such support may include advisory services, training programs, technical assistance, customized technology adaptation solutions, and any other type of support to help you get the most out of your renewable energy technologies in harsh cold climate conditions. The objective is to adapt your infrastructure, sensors and technologies to ensure they will continue to operate effectively over the long term, even in the most extreme climates.

Contact us today to benefit from our top-quality services and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Nergica is a leading player in the field of adapting renewable energy technologies to cold climate conditions. Our internationally recognized technical expertise and cold climate research site are your disposal to test and validate your technologies in extreme conditions. Some of the services that we offer in this regard include:

  • Cold climate installation and maintenance.

  • Evaluation of ice detection and protection systems.
  • Technical troubleshooting for extreme conditions.

  • Analysis of the impact of winter phenomena on technological performance.

  • On-site testing in real-world cold climate conditions.

  • Characterization of impacts of extreme low temperatures and icing on technologies.

We understand that adapting renewable energy technologies to cold climates can be a complex task, which is why we undertake to provide round-the-clock support to ensure that your systems operate smoothly:

  • Identification of cold climate constraints.

  • Advice and recommendations on selecting the most suitable technologies.

  • Training courses for users.

With our expert engineering team, we can identify the weakest links in your systems and the obstacles to their performance and troubleshoot them to ensure optimum operations. Some of the services that we offer in this regard include:

  • Mitigation of icing-related energy losses.

  • Continuous performance monitoring.

  • Forecasting for icing and ensuing energy losses.

Models can be used to optimize energy management strategies in real time by forecasting energy production and needs, and by providing information on gaps between predictions and actual results. Additionally, using AI techniques for image analysis, we can detect and identify risk factors for energy system performance in cold climates and promptly resolve them to minimize their impacts on energy generation. Our services include but are not limited to the following:

  • Real-time supervision platform.

  • Automated detection of icing events.

  • Development of a tool to detect and quantify snow cover on PV modules using image processing techniques.

  • Interpretation of production data and development of a decision-making tool.

Did you know?
Nergica is Canada’s representative for the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Task 19 – Wind Energy in Cold Climates.
We're here for you!
For informed decisions and state-of-the-art energy production, contact Hélène Filion, MBA Business Development Director
Contact Hélène

Related Achievements

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Working Group on International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Task 32...

Nergica represents Canada in the International Energy Agency’s working group on the use of lidar for wind energy applications. [...]

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