Service – O&M Optimization
O&M Optimization
What we can do for you
Looking for solutions to optimize the operational and maintenance efficiency of your renewable energy systems?
As both a research centre and the operating owner of a wind farm, a solar array and a microgrid, Nergica has developed compelling field experience in O&M for these types of equipment. Our expert team is always ready to provide services of uncompromising quality while offering personalized consulting services to meet each client’s particular needs. We offer a comprehensive range of services for energy efficiency optimization, including engineering services, planning and cost analysis, monitoring and follow-up, as well as best practice advice for operational health and safety.
We propose comprehensive asset management solutions, from equipment failure studies to the implementation of a preventive maintenance strategy for systems and equipment.
Our services in this regard include:
Diagnostics and analysis of energy performance and failures of your systems and equipment.
Development of a damage rating system.
Development of preventive maintenance programs.
Development of asset management strategies to optimize operations and maintenance.
Reduction of maintenance costs and downtime.
Increased security and availability of systems and equipment.
When a wind farm approaches the end of its operating life, it is important to properly examine the various scenarios available to the owner: decommissioning, partial repowering, full repowering, etc. To do so, we present a comprehensive analysis of your current facility, including an assessment of existing equipment, operational processes and associated costs. On the basis of this analysis, we will develop several scenarios to help you determine the best approach to reach your energy efficiency and cost reduction targets.
Statistical analyses to evaluate the energy performance of a wind turbine.
Analyses of temporal energy production data.
Real-time monitoring of operational data.
Assessment of the quality and reliability of energy production (availability rate, voltage stability, average interval between outages, etc.).
We are skilled in accurately monitoring the use of renewable energy systems and detecting potential problems and malfunctions. Our services include but are not limited to the following:
SCADA systems.
Drone inspections.
Identification of operating losses for wind and solar farms.
Production recording and fault detection systems.
We provide training and advisory services in the field of regulations, techniques, processes and optimization practices for operating renewable energy systems. The members of our training staff are experts in O&M and will share their experience and know-how to help you acquire the skills you need to effectively manage your projects.
With Nergica, you will enjoy access to a highly qualified staff that is always ready to support you in all of your most ambitious projects. Throughout the process, our technical expertise and advisory services rooted in years of experience in the field are at your disposal. We will help you troubleshoot while providing you with any technical assistance and tools that you may need to achieve your objectives.
Work environment analysis.
Assessment of worker health and safety risks.
Training on best practices and risk awareness.
Recommendations of procedures and protocols.
Nergica believes in continually ensuring the conformity of its activities and those of its clients with respect to any relevant regulatory requirements. For this reason, we undertake to continually and rigorously monitor the evolution of applicable standards and regulations and take the necessary measures to comply with them.

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