Installed in proximity to wind turbines, high-tech lidars and met masts provide Nergica’s team with precious data on the wind profile and meteorological characteristics. In the process, these elements are used to assess the wind and solar potential as well to measure the impact of meteorological conditions on energy production.
It should be noted that Nergica’s lidars can be transported as needed to other sites under study in order to refine existing data or to improve the understanding of the wind profile in complex sectors within a given site.
Main features
- Two 126 m met masts instrumented with the latest technologies
- 15.4 m met mast instrumented with the latest technologies and installed on Mont de l’Aiguille (formerly Mont Needle) in Murdochville
- 20 m met mast
- Leosphere Windcube V2 vertical wind profiling lidar
- Leosphere Windcube 200S scanning lidar
Examples of projects carried out on the basis of this infrastructure